Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Tuesdays, from now on, are officially 'Camilla Akrans Day', that's right, officially. Every Tuesday at least one great editorial we love, and usually have to keep to ourselves, shot by her will see the light of day and we're so excited! First up is Vogue China's July Issue cover girl, Anna Selezneva in "Enchanting Hawaii", gorgeous editorial showing a softer side of Anna, goes on for ages and it's simply amazing. Yay for Camilla Akrans Day.
El martes, de hoy en adelante, será oficialmente el 'Día de Camilla Akrans', así es, oficialmente. Todos los martes postearemos al menos un editorial que nos guste mucho tomado por ella y estamos emocionadísimos! Para inaugurar este día tan importante tenemos "Enchanting Hawaii" un bello editorial de la edición de julio de Vogue China, con Anna Selezneva mostrando un lado más suave, es increíblemente bello y gracias a dios es larguísimo. Yey por el Día de Camilla Akrans.


  1. she's so gorgeous, I had only seen thumbnail size pics ofthis, thank you

  2. Isn´t she? also the images are a dream!
