Tuesday, December 15, 2009

JOHNNY & KATE (1994-1998)

Since we just talked about Yu Tsai's video and editorial inspired by Johnny Depp & Kate Moss' relationship, we put together a little homage to the iconic couple who brought lust and envy to all our lives during their four-year relationship in the 90s. They had it all, talent, extreme beauty, success, sexiness, rebellion and to top it off they were painfully chic and stylish. Even though we love Johnny & Vanessa Paradis, the appeal and display of power these two brought the world is undeniable.
Como acabamos de hablar del video de Yu Tsai inspirado en la relación de Johnny Depp y Kate Moss, tenemos un pequeño homenaje a la pareja que llenó nuestras vidas de lujuria y envidia durante los 4 años que duró su relación en los 90s. Tenían todo, talento, belleza extrema, éxito, sensualidad, rebeldía y para terminar de matarnos eran dolorosamente chic. Aunque amamos la pareja que hace Johnny y Vanessa Paradis, no podemos negar el despliegue de poder y atracción que estos dos trajeron al mundo.


Anonymous said...

Your blog is very very nice... Kate e John very very sweet

Ambush Studio said...

thank you so much!

Anonymous said...

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